Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Flying Dragon Room

I was initially excited about this story because it was written by Audrey Wood, who is also the author of The Napping House, one of my favorites. Unfortunately, I was disappointed in this one. I even feel bad saying I didn't like it, but it didn't feel complete, as if it was only half of a story. It ended right when it was supposed to be getting started! The illustrations show Mark Teague's brushstrokes; there are bold colors and muted colors that bring out the well-defined characters.

Patrick and his family are repainting their house with the help of Mrs. Jenkins, who presents Patrick with her special tools and tells him to see what he can make. With these tools, Patrick creates a whole new world, each "room" named something new for his family to marvel at and enjoy. For example, there is a Subterranean room with creatures and plants that live in caves underground (though there is also a stone waterfountain), a Bubble room in which baby Sarah is carried off on top of a bubble, a Food room, a Jumping Room where everyone can defy gravity with twists and turns, a Snake Slide (which had no sides - too scary!), an adventure on the high seas, and an up-close-and-personal encounter with dinosaurs. True, these are exciting places, but where's the Flying Dragon Room? At the end, we find that Mrs. Jenkins created the Flying Dragon Room with her special tools and invites Patrick's whole family to come, but we don't get to see it! The book is titled The Flying Dragon Room, but we only get a taste of it at the end!

This story seemed very reminiscent of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It may have been a little more exciting if Willy Wonka showed up in the least Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp. Thinking of how to use this book, it could be used for some interesting writing extensions. Students could write about the special rooms they would create for themselves, or maybe even write about the flying dragon room! It would be interesting to let them illustrate their own rooms. If anyone ever sees a good picture of the flying dragon room, let me know.

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