Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
The Luckiest Leprechaun

Without giving too much away, I can say that this is a fantastical story with a talking dog and fairies that show Mac what friendship is all about, and how lonely he didn’t know he was. Having the little prince on my mind, I can say that Lucky “tamed” Mac and took responsibility for taking care of him, even when his gold was in danger. The illustrations were done in paints and colored pencils using vivid colors. More than anything else, the strong color of Kelly green comes across throughout the book, very representative of Irish ties. This would be a wonderful read aloud for younger audiences, and would be made even better with an Irish accent.
The Little Prince

In traveling, the little prince comes across several characters that live alone on their own respective asteroids/stars/planets. Many are delighted to see the little prince (who has no name other than the little prince) but cannot offer much of a purpose beyond themselves to hold the little prince’s attention. Instead, the little prince drops in on Earth, where he meets a snake and a fox, and finally the pilot.
The summary on the back of the book chalks The Little Prince up to being one of those “stories that in some way, in some degree, change the world forever for their readers.” I’ve always enjoyed that description for its mystery and power, as well as its truth. The writing is poetic and philosophical, originally written in French by Antoine de Saint-Exupery and translated by Katherine Woods. There is a new translation available now by Richard Howard. I have not read it, but I am already partial to Katherine Woods’ version. It is a delicate story, but one told with humor and a sense of playfulness that nothing should be taken seriously unless it is a matter of consequences; and as the little prince learned from the fox, only “what is essential is visible to the heart”. If you haven’t read this book before, please do. It is a children’s story that needs to be read by all adults.
Also, this is just fascinating: Antoine de Sainte-ExuperyThe Borning Room

Fleischman’s ability to describe characters in such a brief amount of time amazes me. Throughout this particular story, many characters were introduced and I felt like I could have known any of them, like I’ve met them all before. And yet, as the title of the book suggests, the story is truly about the borning room, and all that it has seen through the years. In its deaths, it has seen the past; in its births, it has seen the future. Life is cyclical, as seen by the eyes of these wooden walls, built by
My Father's Dragon

Now, Elmer Elevator has some pretty strange things happen to him. In the course of his daily routine, he comes upon a talking cat. Though the cat only talks to him, Elmer and the cat plan a fantastical trip to
A fast paced 87 pages, this is a Newberry Honor book that is a lot of fun. The chapters are great for repetition, as they are almost all framed similarly. It is also great for predicting and pulling out main ideas. I got to use this book with 4th and 5th graders last summer, and they really seemed to enjoy this story, with the odd animal characters and the child protagonist who is close to their age. There are two sequels to this story, but I have not read either. They are called Elmer and the Dragon, and The Dragons of Blueland.
The Cricket in Times Square

As for The Cricket in
I’m torn.
Grandfather's Journey

I remember this story being on Reading Rainbow. I can even picture LeVar Burton reading it aloud, but I cannot remember what he actually said about the story. Searching on, I found that this story is actually autobiographical for Allen Say, and that this is actually a photo album of his family. Each illustration is more of a portrait. Many of the characters are often drawn head-on as if posing for the picture. One comment on mentioned that the illustrations were painted from actual photographs. What a neat idea! The illustrations capture the tone of the characters, often somber but with a caring look, creating an album of family portraits. In some of the illustrations, brush marks are evident in the watercolors; in others, there are almost none (p.8 – “deserts with rocks like enormous sculptures amazed him”).
In this short story, the space is mostly taken by pictures, not words. However, the second to last page is only words, emphasizing the isolation and the homesickness in the words. “The funny thing is, the moment I am in one country, I am homesick for the other.” (p.31). What picture should be drawn? He loves both places.